Judy L's UFO Challenge

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

This and That

I finished this RR last month and am mailing it today. Jan don't peek if you want to be surprised!

Here is the link to the goodies I bought at the Dallas show.

Drawing winners from Sunday's draw. I had three good sports share their UFO goals with me so I select them all as winners! Eva, mamacrafty and danielle, please send me your address so I can send you a little something!



  1. Wow - that's quite a stash of goodies you bought! Love the bright southwestern fabric, and several of your pattern choices! Looks like a lot of fun -- but I vote "no!" -- don't add up the receipts. Takes the fun right out of it!

  2. but did you get the left-handed wooden iron thingie? I about died when I saw a sign above a bin of them stating that they were the left-hand version.

    Enjoyed seeing you at the show.

    Dene (Mary)

  3. I just sent out my very first Round Robin start today. I am excited to see how it will look in 6 months.

  4. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Oh wow Swooze you are too generous.

  5. You have been tagged!!! Weird and Wacky! LOL. Go to my blog for details.

  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Love all your goodies. Wig.

  7. Well you sure stocked up on the goodies Isle. Love the Le Vie a Rose
    pattern. If you have any info on where I could get this pattern company online store that would be great . Have a safe and Happy Easter Weekend.



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