Judy L's UFO Challenge

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Reflections on April. What did I accomplish this month? I finished my King size log cabin and got it sent off in time for momma's birthday. She loved it! I also got the quilting done on a baby quilt with the exception of one round for the border. I managed to get half way through the nine patch on point quilt. The one thing that I am overlooking here that isn't quite as tangible is that I am getting to know my new sewing machine. I have used different feet and stiches. I have had to play with the tension and work through some issues that seem to be a thread issue. I have done simple straight seams, sewn down a binding and progressed to simple quilting. I plan to progress to free motion quilting next and feel up to that challenge! All in all not a bad month!


  1. Now for me, personally, that would be an amazing month! And you throw in a new sewing machine on top of this list...goodness, woman, you did just great!

  2. Sounds like a pretty good month to me too!

  3. Its great to reflect on the past month...seeing what u achieves pushes u further for the next month!!

  4. WOW!!!!!!!!! good job you on all that finishing! and getting to know your machine is another GOOD JOB! So, you are sorta past the "first date" phase?

  5. Wheee! You have been busy. It's a neat idea to post your monthly accomplishments.

  6. King sized quilts are impressive i themselves! What a great month.

  7. Hey Swooze, sorry to hear you weren't well, and also to hear about your tension issues. You are a star to pick it all out again (I generally decided that no-one will really notice) but I'm glad to see someone else who walks the talk and experiments on the actual quilt hoping for the best, that's like me, no wasting time on practice sandwiches lol. Best wishes, Sharon


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