Judy L's UFO Challenge

Monday, July 02, 2007

Reflecting on May and June.... It doesn't seem that I have accomplished a lot these two months. I can't really recall what I spent my time doing but it wasn't major quilting accomplishments.

  • Round Robin center completed and mailed off
  • Three tote bags
  • Row on my first round robin that I received almost completed. Have to sew on a few buttons and do a bit of embroidery on it.
  • Quilted the peach and blue Ninepatch.
  • Quilted the baby Irish Chain
  • Pulled up all the durn carpet! Now I remember!

All in all not too bad.


  1. I'd say you accomplished quite a bit!

  2. well, I think you have done pretty well....better than nothing1 ;)

  3. Sounds like you go alot accomplished to me. Good going :)
    Thanks for the comments on my blog.

  4. not too shabby for accomplishments!!

  5. I would say you did very, very well. A lot more than this little duck!

  6. Surely you can just look back through your blog posts to see what you've accomplished? That's one of the reasons I blog, so when I am feeling like I'm not getting anywhere, I can reassure myself, lol. And don't forget getting the new computer up and running!

  7. Thank you for the comments on my blog. How do you have the time? I don't work (retired) and still can't find the time I want to blog, quilt, et. I see that you like animals. My son is a small animal veterinarian in Sugar Land. He loves it. Actually, I have not pets. I would if I lived closer to him so he could take care of them.LOL Do you know where Leona is? You can stop by if you are in the area and get some tomatoes. Jerri

  8. When you list the things you've done, it reminds you that you have accomplished quite a bit.

  9. Hey, you helped a old lady get the stuff on her blog! LOL

  10. You got quite a bit done more than me really, and I thought I was busy. Cheers to all that you got done.


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