Judy L's UFO Challenge

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


ser·en·dip·i·ty Spelled Pronunciation[ser-uhn-dip-i-tee]
  • –noun
    an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.

Four or five years ago I "worked" with a gal at quiltchat.com. We were both OP's in the room. Her nickname was nimblethimble. I loved this gal. We exchanged gifts, did swaps together and chatted our heads off! What a great gal. Then one day she disappeared. I tried her e-mail address and it was no longer active. Just lost touch.

The other day I was surfing the QuiltStudio webring and came upon a gals post about her friend suddenly dying. I posted my condolences. Not long after this I had a comment on my blog from someone who's blog name I didn't recognize. By now you have probably guessed it was from my long lost friend. I am floating on air! She has come to chat with me a few times and we are catching up on lost time. She has an awesome blog and I am in awe of her talents!

Faith, I am glad we happened across one another again! I am so happy to have you back in my life!


  1. What a wonderful thing to find an old friend. Have fun catching up!

  2. how wonderful- enjoy the rekindled friendship :)

  3. I came in here to post my thanks for your kind words, and I'm so glad that my blog was somehow able to help you get back with your old friend! That's so cool!

    Have fun catching up, and now I'm gonna have to go check her blog out...

  4. How wonderful that you have connected again with your lost friend. Enjoy getting to know each other again. Every day is special.

  5. *Waves* Hiya Swooze! Thanks for the kind words about my blog. Glad we crossed paths again! :)

  6. That is so neat that you have found your lost friend, People get all so busy with real life and have a tendacy to loose track of friends. I after over 30 years got in contact with a real life friend I hadnt seen since we were 11 years old, so I know the thrill of finding someone after along time.
    I find we all need to make a point of emailing or calling those that are special to us or one day it will be to late.


  7. Glad to hear that you've found your friend.

  8. What a beautiful story--friends are pricless--


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