Judy L's UFO Challenge

Friday, November 02, 2007

Goals for November

This is a pretty aggressive list but I think I can make it. The Thanksgiving holiday will help with the extra days off. We don't go away and we don't get company typically. I need to get a quilt topped this weekend then I will focus on basting the three tops listed here.


  1. You're ambitious! Best of luck acheiving your goals!!! You can do it!

  2. Girl you've got a lot of ambition. Go for it!

  3. I'm inspired to make a list so I can get something finished myself. Inspired but maybe not so motivated. I'll think it over.

  4. That is quite a long to do list! I like the idea of writing down your goals for the month.

  5. I really hope you can get all of these projects finished. I hesitate to even start a list for myself.

  6. You are a ambitious person, good for you! you set goals and will do it! Positive thinking is great! Have a great weekend!

  7. swooze m'dear? is there any chance you might bring instructions or a template or whatever is required for a simple simon block with you on the 10th? i've never seen that before and it looks like fun!

  8. Best of luck. I wrote all my To do's down in a notebook and the size of the list scared the pants off me.
    Good going on the weight loss. Half way there.
    love and hugs xxx

  9. I love love love your Simple Simon quilt as well as your 9 patch on point. Also love your posting your To Do's. Do you think it helps you get things done because you've made your list public? I might have to try it, considering how UNproductive I've been lately! You inspire me!

  10. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Good on you Swooze. I finally finished dh's quilt and couldn't resist so I gave it to him early and he loved it!!!!!!! He was just rapt in it. So much time and love went into it, it was really emotional for me...

  11. I'm glad someone else likes lists. It does help to keep me focused.


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