Judy L's UFO Challenge

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Round Robin Bloggers I am participating in a round robin with 14 other bloggers from the original Q4P ring. Here are the guidelines for this swap and pictures of completed rounds http://abyquilt.blogspot.com/2007/09/mini-round-robin.html.

The first block is to be 4" square finished. While I was doing the great unearthing of the sewing room I came across a great fabric that has leaves in gold on a brown fabric. It was perfect....but the leaves are too large.

So onto my next idea. I became paper piecing obsessed this year. I searched high and low and found a great PPed maple leaf. I had to redraft it to make it the correct size. I did that and started sewing on it a few nights ago. I felt awful and was having trouble with it. I decided to walk away from it and get some rest. Today one of the other participants was talking about overthinking her block and possibly making it too complicated. It made me think about what I was trying to do. I have now dropped this idea.

My final idea. I have a fabric that I was going to use in the PP pattern. It would be perfect as the focus block. Why not? So I will be cutting it out tonight and getting it into the mail tomorrow!


  1. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Wow Swooze, you sound just like me, ggg, plan plan plan!! I think we would get along very well together. Glad you achieved something that pleased you.

  2. I like the colors in this fabric and the idea of a mini RR. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

  3. This is a great idea for a round robin. I used to do a lot of these kind of projects, but haven't lately...I miss it! Enjoy!

  4. Sounds like the RR with Nancy (Philly). I signed up on her blog, but she missed my name and so boo hoo, I don't get to play. Maybe I will organize another, later next year. I will be anxious to hear how it goes and see photos. I'm finishing my center for a RR with my European crazy exchange folks. But my center has to be 30cm (about 13+") square. I'm trying my hand at the oak leaf applique pattern (that you see often). Here's hoping.



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