Judy L's UFO Challenge

Monday, March 24, 2008

Mamacrafty is at it again! She sent me the latest pic of my feedsack round robin. She has been letting me have just a tad too much input on this but I am glad! She is doing maker's choice on the last row. I can't wait to see what she does with it. I am mailing off a little more of my background to her so she can get it done!

I spent the weekend handquilting my 7 Sisters quilt. It has become addicting. Even though my goal is to complete my Irish Chain by the end of month I can't seem to put this one down. The damage the dogs did isn't too bad but I do keep seeing a little more. I don't think this quilt will be usable when it is done. It is very fragile. I keep asking myself if I should abandon it for this reason. For now I will forge on. I am getting the hang of hand quilting!


  1. The quilt is wonderful--I am amazed how you can applique on the quilt--I haven't got that far yet. Still in the learning phase. I just started to learn to quilt within the last year so lots to learn.

  2. The round robin is looking fantastic.

  3. Your rr looks like Spring and Summer. Its beautiful!


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