Judy L's UFO Challenge

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again....sort of.... I worked on my RR's...yeah! I only cut though, no sewing. I have to *cough, choke, sputter* hem more pants tonight so I will also sew on my RR's at that time as well and will get them into the mail.

I just got an email from mamacrafty that she has completed my RR. I am posting the pic here but go check out mamacrafty's blog too. I am SO spoiled and I know it!


  1. Come on now!! Introduce them to the narrow roll of heat and bond! =)

  2. It is simply gorgeous! Lucky you.

  3. this is sooooooo springy and sweet! it's GOOD to be spoiled sometimes!

  4. The RR turned out lovely!

  5. RR's are fun and yours has turned out just great. I know you are anxious to see it in person.

  6. Very pretty RR quilt! Love those cool, crisp blues and yellows.


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