Judy L's UFO Challenge

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Parents are coming, the Parents are coming!!!

Yes I knew this was coming. They left their house today and will be in Louisiana tomorrow to drop my nephew off at my brother's place. Then Saturday they will be up and on the road to come see me. I can't wait to see them! I can wait for them to see my house. So I am taking tomorrow off to get some cleaning and decluttering in. I am going to focus on the living areas and then if I have extra time I will attend to the sewing room overflow in the foyer. Ah well Mom and Dad...love me....love my mess.

So this means once I leave work today I will be on vacation and returning the 28th. I just hope I get some relaxation in. I hope work doesn't call me. I hope I get to sew my little brains out when my parents are snoozing!!
Lordy, lordy look who's 50??

Happy Birthday Mark! My hubby. Sort of snuck up on you huh? Hope you have a wonderful day.


  1. Happy Birthday to Mark! Oh, his picture brings back memories. *s* Enjoy your company and don't worry about the house. (easy for me to say)

  2. Happy 50th Mark - and I wish you atl least 50 more!

    Hope the visit goes well and you do get that chance to do a lot of sewing. Either way, its always nice to have time off from work!


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