Judy L's UFO Challenge

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Rotating Projects If you read back on May 29th you will see that I set a challenge for myself. I said I would only work on my 7 Sisters UFO until I was either 10th on the UFO challenge list or I finished the 7 Sisters quilt.

I am 32nd and I am not done yet. I was putting every spare minute into that quilt to the point of burnout. I stopped a little over a week ago to work on round robins. Now that I have gotten the three that I had here out of the way I picked the 7 Sisters back up.

I was pleasantly surprised that I was refreshed and ready to get back into this quilt. I have the side setting triangles done on the next side so will be working on the 2 borders the rest of this week. I should be able to get that done this week then will move around the corner to the next side.

Let's see if I can get this quilt done this month!


  1. Sometimes one needs to walk away from a project. For however long it takes. Just make sure to make good notes of where you left off. I'm speaking from experience. *grin*

  2. Anonymous9:12 PM

    What a great idea Swooze, come back refreshed and you see the quilt in a whole new light.


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