Judy L's UFO Challenge

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

16 Motifs That is how many maple leaf wreaths I had to quilt. 13 down three to go. I plan to finish them tomorrow and then find my fabric for my binding. I am going to repeat my brown in the quilt in the binding.

Once those are done I have a few spots that I have to decide what to do with. Should I quilt something inside the stars in the yellow squares? The other spot is at the point of the 4 patches in the borders. One suggestion I had was to use more of the pattern that I used in the 4 patches. Suggest away please!


  1. Anonymous10:31 PM

    You have been doing wonders I see. I tried to email you, but it bounces back, even when I tried reply. Don't know why????

    I am ok, just busy busy. Thanks you for your thoughts.

  2. Girlfriend, you are on a mission. Good for you. Spread that energy around.....LOL. Take care and have a great weekend.

  3. i like the single leaf idea for the center yellow squares, but leaving them empty and puffy is also a viable option.


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