Judy L's UFO Challenge

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Quiltchat OPs Round Robins are Home!


  1. Anonymous12:46 AM

    I absolutely love the flower quilt Swooze, my colours for sure!!!

  2. What a great way to place flowers in a quilt. I love it!

  3. Very nice! Love the way the flowers turned out! Keep well!

  4. swooze gurl if you have too no use for that "left over" splurge fabric you bought...........YOU know my address!! Started new job and worked so many hours this week. I am loopy!

  5. Swooze, I haven't been by your blog in a while and my goodness girl! You have been busy. I love the flowers on this quilt.

    I'm like Mamacrafty......just send that "splurge fabric" on to me. I live in Texas not too far so it won't take too long to get here! *grin*


I appreciate your comments. Thanks for stopping by.