Judy L's UFO Challenge

Monday, February 16, 2009

Stash Report, Week 7 of 2009

Fabric Purchased this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Purchased YTD: 1.125 yards

Fabric Busted this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Busted YTD: 16 yards

Net Used YTD: 14.875 yards

I have not finished anything lately. That is the point when I count stash as busted. When do you count it? I am wondering if I should change my accounting practice....


  1. I count mine as busted as soon as I pull it and cut it for a project. At that point it cannot be returned to the stash so in essence it is "busted"

  2. I count mine when it's completely done. that way it doesn't lay around waiting for binding or anything. I would do that, I know! And I cut lots of projects OUT and they may sit for another year or so. Sometimes a cut project becomes something else entirely!

  3. I'm with Lori. I need the incentive to push for the finish, so I don't count it out until I'm ALL done!

  4. I count mine as it's cut. Sometimes I have large pieces and I've cut part off...the part I've cut gets counted and the rest is still stash. If I use up the whole piece, of course it all gets counted.

    If I waited till something was finished, I'd still be at 0. LOL.

  5. hope the job pans out....

  6. I'm a little flexible with when i count it-if i am woriking on an old ufo and i finish it, then i get to count the whole thing because i was not keeping count before 2008. If its a ufo started in 2008, then only backs and bindings count because i already counted the top when i made it in 2008. If its a new top then i count like Beth-as soon as its cut it counts!

  7. I'm with Beth and Babs. I count it the moment I cut it from stash. I don't count anything that I started before all this counting, but just what I cut. I basically don't cut something unless I'm going to use it rather soon. But that doesn't mean that I'll have it completely finished. I'm afraid if I don't count it until it's done, I'll forget what I included in the count or not. I guess I feel if I've pulled it from stash...it's no longer 'stash'. It's interesting how differently we all think about it. But I keep track mostly for my own account, and that's what works for me! whew--was that a bit long winded, or what? LOL

  8. I wouldn't count the stash as busted until it's finished. But you COULD have an intermediate count of what has been cut before it's finished. That might be a good thing to make you feel you are still moving ahead. Then as it is finished, the middle count would go down, and the busted count would go up!

  9. I count mine when I sew it. It could have been cut that day, or last year, but I don't count it till it's sewn.


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