Judy L's UFO Challenge

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Mystery Unravels

I am making progress on my mystery quilt Spring Breeze by Dorothy Young. I like how the black sets the red off. The next border is a plain one and I was planning to use the white. I may just go with more black and very wide to make it big enough for my queen bed. Thoughts? One or two more borders? Colors?

Here is the other unravelling mystery. Meet Cracken. He is owned by someone in one of the other apartments here. He was evicted for eating bread. He is loved and fed by many. I am still going to call him Buterball. Here he is enjoying his weekly visit. The black and white kitty's real name is Socks and he was owned by a former tenant in my apartment. People.... Enough said.


  1. What black and white kitty? Your quilt looks great and the black really is outstanding on it. Great job!

  2. so does that mean that socks is now owned by the present resident of said apartment?

  3. Glad you are making new "friends" in your home away from home! I love the BWR quilt!

  4. Love your Spring Breeze quilt. It is looking great!!

  5. Your quilt is looking good. As for my suggestion.....if you use white, make it a very narrow border then follow that with a wider color. I think the white, if used wider, would take away from the pattern of your lovely quilt. Take care.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Yes, just where is socks?? Don't let butterball hog the camera. You have made great progress on your quilt, so sure hope to see it finished soon. It's Thursday, so have a safe journey home.

  8. Hey Swooze, go with a very narrow white, then a wide black, and bind it in the red? I love the quilt and you are doing great with it. The kitty I see is not black/white, unless my computer is on the fritz again!! Have fun sewing, dear.

  9. romika3:29 AM

    I like the idea of a couple of other comments, small white border and then large black one with red binding, superb

  10. It's looking great, Swooze. And I don't blame you for trying to claim that kitty--she's a doll.

  11. I like the red, black, & white combo that you used. And it is a very interesting quilt.


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