Judy L's UFO Challenge

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

My Postcard

This is the first fabric postcard I have ever received and I love it. It came with my bear. I show the back below so you can see Ele's doodling. I love it! Now I have a little sample and will finally attempt my own!


  1. Good for you -- postcards are fun and while I resisted the urge for a long time I was glad when I finally gave in!

  2. romika3:32 AM

    oh it is just brilliant, you will have to send me one swooze please when you have mastered it

  3. You got a great postcard for a gift. You have to try and make a postcard. I love making them.

  4. I love fabric postcards!
    This past Christmas I made them for our card list. Seems like mine were the only cards that everyone saved! ;-)

  5. I have made a couple of these post card but have always been too chicken to post them. Will have to be braver.

  6. Swooze, hope everything is okay--noticed you haven't posted in awhile. Prayers and good thoughts if you need them.


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