Judy L's UFO Challenge

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Checking In

No pictures at the moment but I didn't want to let that prevent me from checking in. I had the kids with me in LA for 2 weeks. We returned last Thursday so we had a little extra time to finish up the school preparations. So kids are in school now and all seems well.

I have managed to get some sewing in. I layered 5 fleece blankets while I was in LA and brought 4 of them back to TX with me. All 4 are sewn and three have been fringed and gifted now. Two baby gifts and one birthday gift. The last will be fringed and gifted before I go back to LA. The fifth is mine and I will fringe it next week.

Of course with back to school I had to hem pants. Ick. I got three pair done in LA and was up early this a.m. to get another pair ready for today. I have two more to go and will get them done tonight. I hope this is it but dd's friends mother heard I can hem pants and asked me to help her. Sigh....lol... My reward for hemming those last two pair of pants will be fun sewing on my quilts I brought home with me. I will get pics of those to share soon!


  1. You are proof....if you want something done, ask a busy person!

    Hey, Swooze, will you bind a quilt for me???

  2. OH my goodness...how I HATE hemming pants!!

  3. OH my goodness...how I HATE hemming pants!!


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