Judy L's UFO Challenge

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Week 40 Stash Report

I have been buying asian prints to try to finish up DD's quilt. Then I won some fabrics from a giveaway. This is accumulation from the past three weeks.

Fabric in: 5 yards
Fabric out: 0 yards

Fabric in YTD: 106 yards
Fabric out YTD: 72.33 yards

Net: 33.67 yards more in than out

I am a fabricaholic.....


  1. Dear Fabricaholic - you are not alone!

  2. That's ok. You are in good company!! I love that you are posting even if it is in the + as opposed to the -! Thanks!

  3. fabricaholic? i confess as well...we need a meeting, preferably at a quilt shop, right? LOL....

  4. Confession is the first step...Hee!! I am too girl!

  5. Me too! Isn't it great?!?!

  6. Being a fabriholic with a purpose is not a problem. . . .at least that is what I keep telling my DH -- right after he tells me about his latest addition to the train set!! he he he


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