Judy L's UFO Challenge

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dallas Quilt Show

I went to the Dallas show last weekend. I had some issues with my camera but managed to photograph all the quilts that I wanted to. I really liked this first quilt because the fabrics really enhanced the pattern adding interesting detail and movement.

This close up shows the print on the fabric. Lovely.

I liked this quilt and did a double take when I few quilts later I found it in red. It is fun to see the same quilt done in different colors.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw this one.


  1. Michele9:52 PM

    Thanks for sharing the pics. That was a masterful use of the lime green fabric in the first quilt. I have that fabric and it would never have occurred to me to use that way.
    Brilliant! Thanks again.

  2. Thank you for sharing, always love to see beautiful quilts. Liked being able to see the same quilt in different colors...

  3. Thanks so much for showing those, they are awesome!!

  4. Hey, Swooze, thanks for sharing the pics. I loved that first one and I liked the use of the fabric too. The second and third ones were great too and I think it's wonderful to see the same quilt in different colors too. I took a picture of the little boy with no front teeth too. It made me happy just to see this quilt. I even laughed when I saw it. Too cute! I missed you at the show. Hugs, Linda

  5. One of the things I noticed at the Dallas show was that often when the same pattern was used by two or more quilters, it seemed that one of the pair gave credit to the quilt designer/pattern publisher and the other didn't mention whose pattern she used. When I saw the uncredited quilt first, I assumed it was an original design . . . and then felt a little cheated when I saw it's "twin" (with credit to the designer given).

  6. Anonymous11:05 PM

    so many talented quilters, awesome quilts


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