Judy L's UFO Challenge

Sunday, April 04, 2010

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly...not necessarily in that order

The bad. My friend noticed a turned block....then I noticed a second.....third...and fourth......

The ugly. Ripped those blocks out of the top....

The good. The top is done...again.....well just needs a bit of pressing.


  1. I must be slow, I would have never noticed...well...maybe if I sat there staring at it...looks great!!

  2. I can relate. Don't ask me how, just know I am there with you! LOL.


  3. Hey, love your peachy/orange :) I too had to look at the picture for a bit before seeing what blocks were turned. Seems like I remember even Judy had one turned on her quilt....so you're in great company!


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