Judy L's UFO Challenge

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What I Asked For....What I Got

The first picture shows what I asked for and what was more recently done.

On my first attempt to get this I got what is shown below. The "tips" were placed in such a way that they appeared to start in the middle of my nail bed. I also asked for the white part to be much shorter. I want my nails to look nice but not call unnecessary attention.

I described in detail what I wanted and the gal acknowledged every word I said. It became very apparent that she did not speak much English and understood even less of it. She did ask me at the end if I was happy and I said no. She understood that but made no attempt to correct the issue.

I am not much for confrontation. I paid and I left. How would you handle this situation? Am I the only wimp out there??


  1. Just before they put the accrillic on your nails let them know that you want your nails cut shorter so the whites will be shorter...but I do think that your nails look great! You should try another nail shop. Just like you would try many hair dressers until you find the one that is just right for you.

    Ps. a language barrier does not make you a racist. Try not to let the negativity get you down.

    Happy Hollidays

  2. I would wimp out also. And, I prefer to patronize shops where there isn't a communication problem. Which doesn't always mean folks who speak English well. Just look at my new hair cut that's about 2" at the longest. After I specifically mentioned I didn't want it cut too short and didn't want too much taken off the crown. The upside -- the do will last a long time. (7 weeks or more!)
    I can understand why you aren't thrilled with your nails but they look 400% then my crummy nails.


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