Judy L's UFO Challenge

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What I Am Working On

This is my Matchstick Marimba. It is one of my UFOs that had only been cut. I was concerned that it would take a long time to piece it so decided to get a jump on it before it's number was drawn for Judy L's UFO challenge. What I am NOT working on is the UFO that Judy DID choose for this months challenge. I will work on that tonight now that I know this one will not take long to finish up.

This is my Hydrangea Shawl. I finished crocheting it last week. I wove in the ends last night and washed it. I had to soak it as I had a spot of something on there. I think it was dog slobber as my dog loved this yarn for some reason and would not leave it alone. I blocked it this a.m. and have the fan blowing on it. Can't wait to see how it looks tonight! I will probably fluff it in the dryer too.


  1. I so love the colors of your quilt and your shawl is wonderful.

  2. oooh, pretty matchsticks...and somebody posted a link to bonnie's texas talk and i saw you, i saw you! holding up the quilts, lucky gal for sure...

  3. Love your choice of colours for the match stick mamba you have really captured that festival feel.

  4. The matchstick pieces are really great...did it use up a lot of scraps or did you have to buy yardage for it?

  5. Very pretty matchstick pieces!!! I bet they were fun to sew up!

  6. Good Job on the shawl! Fluffy makes it comfy.. Hugs

  7. I love the Matchstick Marimba!! My favorite quilts are the bright ones...

  8. Loving the matchstick project! Simplicity in piecing, yet gives such a dramatic look!

  9. oh my goodness!!! I love love LOVE your matchstick marimba!!! LOVE IT!!!

  10. Your shawl is very delicate, the color perfect--the matchstick top..is an awesome pattern, it would be excellent for a donation quilt. I have so many donation wanna try it's..I had best make several. Sew Peacefully. FLO};o


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