Judy L's UFO Challenge

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Finish

I had started this little afghan when I first went to Monroe in 2009. I felt bored by it. Now I wonder if it was because I wasn't thrilled with the intended recipient at the time. When I picked it back up with no recipient in mind I worked at it with regularity until I totally finished it last night at my "yarn" guild.

Everyone asked me who it was for. I really had no idea. We then talked about the new baby that the owners of Scrumbious had. They had let us hold a party at their business even though we filled the place and potentially could have run others off. I had just written them a thank you note the night before when it dawned on me what a wonderful opportunity I had here. I wrapped it up and gifted this little afghan to them this afternoon and they seemed to really like it.


  1. It's lovely - both the pattern and the colour. Glad it was well received. So sorry to hear of your recent sad news- I am behind on reading blogs. Hope you and your family are doing ok - sending love xx

  2. This turned out so pretty. I'm glad you finished it and I love the way it turned out. Great job.

  3. glad to see a new post and a finish, it's beautiful....keep on going!

  4. I need to learn to knit - or maybe not! I can see how yarn could become obsessive!
    Are you back in Monroe? hope ya'll are doing well
    Beth in Dallas

  5. I love it, beautiful ! So you are also a knitter ?

  6. What a beautiful afghan! Love your precise, even stitches!!

  7. Very pretty, I love the color and the pattern.


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