Judy L's UFO Challenge

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Scouts Honor

See what happens when you open one too many boxes?  I was a girl scout a "few" years ago.  I even have the belt that goes with this.  I promised no more decluttering posts until I posted a sewy post.  Here it is!  Keep reading.

I vowed to sew last night.  After running one little errand willingly and another one unwillingly I got busy cutting.  I had lots of interruptions but persevered and accomplished the following.  I realized this a.m. that I had miscut some of the background pieces not shown here.  Luckily they are too big so can be cut down.  Maybne tonight I will actually use the machine!  Come back to see what I am making.

This activity last night was a good test run for me.  I need to put more things away and probably remove a few things to a better home.  It's feeling a little crowded in there.  Taking a break from decluttering was a good thing since it shows me what I need to work on.


  1. Oh, man! I was one of those too!

    I still have my sash. What are you going to do with yours? I was thiniking of doing a quilt and sewing the badges on.

    Don't toss yours, if you are going to get rid of it, send it to me!

  2. I was a girl scout for MANY years not too long ago as well!

  3. You look cute in your Girl Scout uniform. I like the colors you chose for the quilt. I look forward to seeing the completed top.


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