Judy L's UFO Challenge

Friday, June 21, 2013

Tweaking My Sewing Space

Power was out again for about an hour last night while the boyfriend continued with some wiring projects.  I made good use of the time.  I grabbed my son and had him help me put things away in the sewing room or remove items that I did not want in there.  I have freed up some good floor space and now need to figure out what is next.  Trust me there is plenty of "opportunity" in there.

Regardless of the state the sewing room is in after tonight, I will take pics to show you tomorrow.  Pillowcases are done and delivered.  Onto quilty things!

Quilty hugs.


  1. I kept thinking all night long about your last post? That would make a great blog title, Altered Pillowcases!!!

    I, too, am "tweaking".My sewing space. I eagerly await your photos so I can copy you. I hope you are including a nice construction project so Frank will have something to do this weekend.

  2. looking forward to seeing your new space


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