Judy L's UFO Challenge

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Meet Buddy

I want to introduce you to Buddy, my Dad's little companion since he retired in 2001.  Wait a minute...that is Buddy's bed but that is NOT Buddy.  That is Duke.  

So about Buddy.  No that looks like his bed but that isn't him.  That is Sadie.

Here is Buddy!  Chillaxing in his chair at Dad's house before his big adventure.  He is a bit round and was enjoying treats three times a day.  If you forgot he would run to the cabinet and point out that you had forgotten.  His last vet visit in NY had him weighing in at 34 pounds.  He loved all the activity of the move and all the people that came to the house just to see him and give him a big send off.

Dad always talked about him not being a very good passenger.  Because of this he got to ride with Ray who has an iron fist when it comes to pet's behaving themselves.  He did not cause one single bit of trouble.  In fact we will blame Ray for this one.  While on the way to Texas Dad stopped in Ohio because he just could not go any further.  He was not well and needed lots of extra help to get him into the hotel.  Ray and I circled back so that we could assist.  I was smuggled into the hotel because I wasn't supposed to be there.  I was very good and did not cause one bit of trouble.

When I got to Texas I got to see Duke again.  We already made friends.  I tried to tell Duke how things were going to go when I met him at my house last year but alas, he set me straight.  We are good together now.  In fact I was told I was going to love Sadie.  Well she plays too rough with me and I am afraid of her.  I spend a lot of time whining about her to anyone that will listen.  Sometimes we get into a tussle and Duke has to get involved to straighten us out.  Once day I hope I will learn how to play with her.  You won't see Augie this post but he and I get along just fine.  He is very gentle with me.  He has moire interest in Darcy so we are not around each other very much.

Here I am hanging out on the porch with Darcy.  She thought I needed glasses.  While I look very smart with them I don't think I need them.  By now I have already met the vet.  I had this cough they thought was caused by my heart.  Turns out I had bronchitis,  All the temperature changes and stress were a little hard on me.  Steroids and antibiotics to the rescue.  They stopped feeding me treats three times a day AND they made me share with the other dogs in the house.  I am down to a trim 27 pounds with the vet mentioning that another 5 would benefit me.  It's always those last 5 pounds that get you!

Dad was so so sick and was in the hospital for 2 weeks.  I was moping around and missing him terribly.  They told me Dad was missing me too.  Ray took the rolling sewing machine case and stuck me inside then smuggled me in to see Dad.  Dad doesn't remember but I did and I was much happier!  I was really glad when Dad came home.

Here is a rare sighting.  This is me sleeping in MY bed.  I didn't use it in NY but it's a pretty nice piece of real estate when everyone's laps are full!  Until next time!

Buddy and 


  1. Good for you and Ray for making buddy feel at home. people often forget how hard it is n the dogs of the person who is in the hospital, this will be a good transition for him.

    My thoughts are with your dad, may it be easy for him as he recuperates and rests.

  2. so good of you to make a home for Dad's dog also - I'm sure it means a lot to him, not everyone would do this you know. It is hard to take care of a very seriously ill parent and I admire you for it!

  3. love the harley davidson quilt....and been catching up on your blog and seems like you have had a very challenging time of it lately...hope things calm down and sort out and quilting is back on your plate...my dad had chronic illness for many years so i understand your situation....keep strong and quilt on!


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