Judy L's UFO Challenge

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Q1 Finish Along

This challenge took the place of A Lovely Year of Finshes.  While that was a monthly goal setting exercise this is a quarterly one.  I am going to declare what I hope to accomplish this first quarter and for each item I finish from that goal my name is entered for a prize.  I think that's right.  Read here for more info.

I am going to bind my two supersize 9 patch baby quilts.
I am going to bind my 30s feedback patches quilt.
I am going to quilt and bind my 5 Strip Stacks quilts.  2 primary colors and 3 pink and green.
Finally I am going to piece, quilt and bind my queen size pink and black Poppy BQ quilt.

Wish me luck!


  1. You go girl! I've never thought of quarterly goals. I used to do "wish" list goals for the year but I wasn't very good at it. Now I focus on weekly goals -- slice things up into doable bits and get 'er done! Hope you are successful on this list.

  2. Good luck with those - hope to see photos at the end of the quarter! Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2016 global FAL hosts.

  3. This is a great idea & I think very doable! You go girl!!!

  4. a hefty goal indeed....i do wish you luck and stamina!

  5. Good for you for having goals, I hope you achieve them.


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