Judy L's UFO Challenge

Monday, April 18, 2016

Microwave Bowls

I found some wonderful fabric that looks like corks all in a row.  It reminded of a cork trivet that a friend made for me a long time ago.  She even made a second that we gifted to another friend.  

When I saw the fabric I bought it to make her some microwave bowls.  I had tried to get them ready the first time I saw her in April.  Then I was going to see her a second time and had run across Mardi Gras fabric so bought that to make her a second set but still had not sewn the first.  She loves New Orleans and all things Mardi Gras.

This past Friday I took the fabric and batting to my sit and sew.  I got all the fabric cut for 6 bowls.  I only cut 6 pieces of batting but need 12.  I marked my dart points on the 6 I had cut. Tonight when I realized my error I cut 6 more pieces of batting and marked those.  

I sewed the darts on 6 of the bowls tonight and will sew the other 6 tomorrow.  Then I will start trimming the darts and matching up sides.  I'd like to get these sewn and in the mail to my friend by Saturday.

Hope you are getting some time to sew




  1. Making them in anassembly line fashion truly makes a difference. LOL I've made dozen in about 2 days, working around life.

  2. I made these for my 4 grown children and 2 sisters one Christmas: what a job. I bought some fabric to make some for us but never could get started on them. :-(


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