Judy L's UFO Challenge

Friday, May 27, 2016

Making Progress

I've added borders to my Avignon Picnic.  This is a freebie from Moda Bakeshop.

Then I added borders to my Dorothy Young mystery Hugs and Kisses.

I also put the final border on this 3 yard quilt called Awareness Week.  This was a new start this year.

I've also been repairing a quilt for a friend.  Remember the gold in the before picture is the insides.


After.  Still have to quilt it.

Finally, I finished quilting this 3 yard quilt called Step Up.  Binding is in progress.  Goal to finish before months end for the OMG challenge.

Wow I've gotten a lot more done lately than I realized.



  1. What great work. You have been busy!!

  2. Gosh, you are churning them out! It's a production line, lol. Great to see your creativity is flowing again.


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