Judy L's UFO Challenge

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

FAL 2016 Q4

Nicky of Mrs Sew & Sow had me laughing. I read her proposed list of finishes and thought she had quite some list. I had to read back to realize she was listing all her projects. I commented on her post and a brief email exchange ensued. Basically she told me that if she listed some of her projects she wanted to work on the others. That's what happens to me!

So inspired by Nicky my list is as follows.

- 4 Strip Stacks. 2 are pink and green and 2 are primary colors. All need quilting

- baby BQ. Needs quilting

- blue and white 4 patch. Needs binding

- Raising Cane. Needs quilting

- Razzle Dazzle. Needs quilting

- matchstick Marimba. Needs quilting

- Garden Party. Needs borders

- Wanderlust. Piecing

- Pfefferneuse. Might add borders but needs quilting 

- Grand Illusion. Needs quilting

- 2 Orca Bay. Need quilting 

- Dizzy. Possible border but needs quilting

- Avignon Picnic. Needs quilting

- 2 30s print samplers. Need quilting

- Christmas packages. Needs quilting

- Bloomers. Needs quilting

- Hugs and Kisses. Needs quilting

- Lazy Sunday. Needs quilting

- Stepping Stones. Needs quilting

- 30s Dog Prints. Needs quilting

- Happy Block Jean quilt

- Row by Row quilt. Reconstruct

- Garage Sale top. Needs quilting

- Antique top. Needs quilting

- Tumbler. Needs quilting

- Freeze Frame. Needs quilting.

- Pink and Green 4 patch. Needs quilting

- Pink Poppy BQ. Needs quilting

- Stepping Up. Needs quilting

- Awareness. Needs quilting

- Hopscotch. Needs quilting

- Red and White quilt. Piecing 

- tie dye shirt

There are a few more but I know I won't get to them. I'm linking up to the FAL proposed finishes linky.

Wish me luck!!



  1. What a list! I joined Colorways by Vicki Welsh's UFO challenge and myself a to do list. I had 28 items on the list without even trying and that was not everything! I have made some progress on my list, but it is a long way from being done. Good luck on your list! I printed out my list and posted it where I would see it all the time. The big thrill is when I get to cross off something on the list with a big X!

  2. Oh my gosh.....that too is a nice list but you do have some wonderful projects.

  3. OMG Garden Party!!! LOVE
    My list is so long that I'm afraid to make it public. I do need to make a new one. Maybe I'll do that before the new year starts.
    You have some fabulous quilts going on here. Good luck with progress.


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