Judy L's UFO Challenge

Friday, December 02, 2016

December OMG

I am repeating Octobers/Novembers goal.  Still helping my daughter deal with the fallout of her accident in October.  Her new to her car has only been in her possession 3 days since buying it on 11/10. I'll tell that story another day.

I have been sewing quilt tops just haven't been quilting any.  Maybe I should call myself a flimsier rather than a quilter.  A flimsy is a term I learned referring to an unquilted quilt.  Some call themselves toppers.  Regardless I need to breakthrough whatever log jam that is keeping me from quilting things.

Again I present to you my Raising Cane by Dorothy Young.   Just needs quilting.

I am linking up with Elm Street Quilts goal setting link up.



  1. I always sai if you can't reach your goal, move the goal post! I'd have to call myself a UFOer. Lol. I seem to be collecting them. 😊

  2. Hope you the time this month - Thanks for linking up with Elm street Quilts One Monthly Goal.

  3. Things just take time. Right now you need to take care of you daughter. The quilting will come in time.

  4. I thought she was getting her car back after we talked. That is crazy

  5. A flimsier! That's funny and it describes me very well. Good luck with your goal and to your daughter with her car too. ;^)

  6. Very fun and bright. Good luck with your December goal.

  7. Goals are difficult during the holidays and family emergencies and....well you see where I going with this. Take care my friend~!!

  8. Nice bright colors! Hope your daughter gets her car back soon.


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