Judy L's UFO Challenge

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Writers Block OMG Finish

I finished piecing this quilt Monday night and cut and applied the borders yesterday. The pattern is from a 2007 magazine. The suggested cutting of the border made me question my piecing. Luckily I met with my sewing group yesterday and was able to go over the math and dimensions with a friend. The directions suggest cutting the border at 80" and trimming to fit. The actual length needed was 4-5 inches shorter. After I confirmed my piecing was accurate I cut my borders.

I am working on another quilt that I get better piecing results on my Singer 301, my travel machine, so I switched over to that for the rest of my sewing session. When I got home last night I applied those borders.

This quilt is my March OMG. I'm very happy to have it done with plenty of time to spare.

Linking up with Elm Street Quilts for the finish linkup.




  1. Congratulations for getting this top done! It looks great!

  2. Congratulations on getting this top to the flimsy stage. It is beautiful and it is calling my name. Uh! Oh! :^D

  3. Wow! I see a lot of dedicated work! Congratulations!

  4. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Congratulations! Your quilt is beautiful.

  5. What a beautiful quilt. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  6. Congrats on a very pretty finish and on meeting your OMG. That's a lot of little strips in those blocks.

  7. What a stunning red and white quilt! Great finish!

  8. Your hard work has resulted in a beautiful quilt top! Well done! Congratulations on completing your OMG!

  9. What a lovely quilt, congratulations on your finish.

  10. Very ambitious quilt. With that many seams I can see how the border measurements could be off in either direction. You did the right thing and it looks great!

  11. That is fantastic!! love all the small pieceS!


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