Judy L's UFO Challenge

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Round 2 and a Win

I have round 2 of Ray’s quilt under construction.

The buckskin color really draws out the light brown in the first round. My initial design called for this row to have three colors but I decided to simplify.
I am already thinking ahead to the third and fourth round. I have to plan how I want to turn the corners and that will decide round three.
I also had a win. It is a cute little FQ bundle that Sarah Goer picked for a lucky winner. Me!! I landed on her blog because of reading about the temperature quilt sew along. Visit Sarah here.

What quilty things are you up to?


  1. Oh oh....oh. Oh, oh. In 2016 I set up a spreadsheet page to do a temp quilt for that year. Is there a quilt along??? I want in!

  2. I am not up to much...just a little sewing here and there....waiting for my sewing momentum to kick in.

  3. Congrats on this beautiful win. Manage to sew a little of blue blocks but so tired from work lately that not much is happening. Well, let's put it this way, it's less than I would like it to be, lol. ;^)

  4. Congratulations on the win! It is always fun to win something! I sure you know what quilty things I have been up to, but to expand on that I have a lot planned that I haven't talked about. In Feb. I will be getting the t-shirts for the now annual Harley quilt I make for a poker run, I want to make a few more veteran quilt tops for Vickie, and I need to get started on my art prize quilt for this year. Non-quilty items - finish installing my casing and baseboard, install a shelf, install the return air grills, and the list goes on and on for stuff that needs done around the house.

  5. افضل شركة تنظيف فلل بالرياض تقدم لكم افضل خدمة تنظيف الفلل الجديده و المفروشة تتميز بوجود عمالة على اعلى مستوى من الخبرة والعمل والامانة .
    نعتمد على فريق عمل متكامل يقوم باستخدم مواد معنية تحتوى على معطرات وأدوات تنظيف مميزة كما أننا نعتمد على مناشف لا تغير من لون الاثاث اطلاقا بل تجعله جديدا وأنيقا مميزا افضل شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض.
    شركتنا تنظيف موكيت بالرياض تتخصص فى القيام بأعمال تنظيف الموكيت ونظرا لحساسية التعامل مع الموكيت فشركتنا تعتمد على أدوات محددة لسلامة الموكيت وعدم تجريحه .
    تنظيف مساجد بالرياض
    مكافحة النمل الابيض بالرياض
    رش دفان بالرياض
    مكافحة الحمام بالرياض
    مكافحة فئران بالرياض
    رش مبيدات بالخرج


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