Judy L's UFO Challenge

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Packing for Retreat

It was my goal to not overpack for retreat. Either projects or stuff in general.

I took five projects with me and worked on all of them!

1) Scrappy Mountain Majesties

2) Walk in the Park

3) Cut my border for Saturday Sampler. Sewed a little too

4) Sew my drunkards path animals. 2 of 3 done

5) Sew on bug rail fence. No pictures but I know I need 9 rows and completed 2 or 3

I am learning what can be accomplished in these timeframes. Boy it was hard sitting for four days. I had a chair pad and got up and down regularly. I started stretching a little on the third day and decided I need to make that a general practice now.

I had a great time and got to see people from previous retreats. I semi controlled myself at the guild garage sale table. I bought some yarn, a tote bag; fabric, books and a magazine. I already have plans for most of the fabric! Bonus!

Have you been retreating lately?


1 comment:

  1. You did get a lot done! I have never been to a quilting retreat. I guess I would rather just stay home in my pjs and have a retreat with me, myself, I, and Mike's hard lemonade!


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