Judy L's UFO Challenge

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Modern BOM

One thing I'm allergic to is making a quilt that looks like everyone else's. I did this BOM at my LQS for which they gave a suggested layout. I sat in class one day staring at the wall of blocks made to date while they were talking about finishing kits. I looked at the fabric choices and was just not in love with anything.

At the next class I continued to look at those blocks and an idea popped into my head. I was going to put HSTs all around the blocks to form a stripe. When I did my bad quilt math it seemed like it was going to be too large so I altered my idea a little and here is what I came up with.

Do you like BOM programs?



  1. No BOMs for this girl. I like your finish!

  2. very colorful and unique!

    1. Thanks Grace. For whatever reason your comments do not come to my inbox. I truly appreciate them and you stopping by

  3. I am not a BOM person - or even much of a QAL person - too independent, I guess.

  4. I only like BOMs that are finished so that I can see what it will look like and choose my fabrics accordingly. Having said that, I am currently doing one from the UK magazine 'Today's Quilter' but regretting it as there are several blocks I don't like. Good to see you online again, and you sure do like quilts with a kazillion tiny pieces!


I appreciate your comments. Thanks for stopping by.