Judy L's UFO Challenge

Saturday, October 31, 2020

October OMG Complete!

My goal was to fix one of the six tops I had made for my cousins.  When I finished my OMG for last month I felt quite smug.  I completed all the centers!  Then I measured the first one to start adding borders.  My goal size for the completed top was 60x80 and I knew I’d have to add a 6” border (total) to do that.

I excitedly measured and my width was 48” as I expected but the length looked quite long.  I put measuring tape to fabric.  What??  It was already 80”.  How the heck did that happen?  Bad math somewhere obviously.

As my friends and I talked and laughed about it I realized I sometimes have funny math.  It’s not that I can’t do simple math, it’s that I get incorrect facts in my head and run with them.  I write down the wrong info without checking previous steps.  In this case I somehow only counted 5 rows when there are clearly six.  In the end it was an easy enough fix.  Ripped that last star row off, the red, white border, and reattached that border to the fifth star row.  I was back in business.

I knew we were planning to travel so I went easy on myself and pledged to bring 1 top to correct, complete flimsy.  I did it!  I even pushed that goal and completed two more.  I’ve started cutting the borders for the last three.  All six had already been ripped back when I started working on them today.

My friend and I ran out and bought backings for four of the quilts.  There wasn’t enough yardage on the bolt for all six so another shopping trip will happen soon.

What are you working on?


  1. Wonderful quilt. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  2. Awesome job! Congratulations on completing the tops. ;^)

  3. Great run to the goal. Plus some extras too. Excellent.

  4. Great job Swooze! Beating yourself at your own game :-)

    These quilts are fantastic!!!!

  5. The tops look good!


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