Judy L's UFO Challenge

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Big Accomplishments

I had Veterans Day off From work and decided to take advantage and added a vacation day to Thursday and Friday.  I went to the church and sewed with my friends.  There were just three of us.  Actually, we did have a fourth join us on Thursday.  We started as early as 9 and went until 9 two evenings.  We came and went as needed to take care of appointments.  We went out to get a few meals and brought others in.  All in all we had a very good time.

I got a lot done!  On the first day I finished the last two QOVs which gives me 6 completed tops.

With the completion of my OMG November goal under my belt I launched into new things.  Folks on my Stashbuster io group had been talking about this pattern.  Serendipitously a friend asked me if I wanted a layer cake she had.  BINGO!  Of course I did because I don’t buy them.  Here is the result. 

I love it!  Another added to the to be quilted pile.  It’s flannel and will be super snuggly and warm.  I started cutting it Wednesday and finished sewing it Thursday.

Friday I pulled out a panel I had kitted up myself.  In fact I made two kits and gifted one to a dear friend.  I had already cut all the strips a week or so ago.  The pattern is Fernanda by Villa Rose.  I set to sewing and here is the result.

Do you see my little helper down there holding the corner?  I use the term help loosely.  He was our sewing companion the majority of the time.  He gave us reason to get up and move.  Walking and playing helped us move!

I started cutting on my next kit.  I made up a single block before calling it a night.  I managed to get away for 6 hours Saturday.  I didn’t sew the entire time but made 28 of the 36 blocks needed.  It’s called Split Decision.  I’ll finish it later.  Here’s my progress.

I’m thinking this may be a good QOV.  It will be close to the size I want to achieve and I have extra fabric.

Are you getting a lot done?  What are you working on?


  1. Wow! That's a lot of work done. Congrats. I love your panel quilt. The borders are just perfect. Enjoy the new project. ;^)

  2. Great job! How fun to have a safe fun retreat with a few quilty pals :-)

  3. Congratulations for getting so much done! Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your friends. I am working on quilting that whole cloth flannel quilt. I am happy to have it half quilted.

  4. love love love the solids flimsy!

  5. Wow...you made hay while the sun shone. It is always fun to sew with friends.


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