Judy L's UFO Challenge

Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Pfeffernusse Borders

I made this top with leftover parts from the two Orca Bay quilts I made.

I’m contemplating a border.  Do I NEED a border?  Not really.  But if I can come up with something interesting and complementary then I’ll go for it.  The black and white HSTs are all scrappy.  I have a limited amount of the greens.  I might be able to get more but haven’t checked.

I do have leftover green HSTs and could finish the corners then just finish off with black and white slab borders. I could make more black and white hourglass blocks.  Someone suggested piano key borders but I’m not a fan of those.  I’ll pull some fabrics and start playing with ideas.

What are your ideas?  To me this looks like the star lite candies and I bought a big hunk of fabric
 with that on it for the backing.  The greens don’t match or I’d be adding that as a slab border.


  1. That's a good looking top! I think a border would elevate it even more and contain the center. Something too simple might look odd, so I am thinking some kind of pieced border would work. Working with the fabric you have will force you to be very creative to come up with something.

  2. I agree maybe a thin black border to stop the motion and act as a coping strip for what ever you do next. I haven’t heard the term slab border and I’m curious — what is it.

  3. Keep it simple is my motto. A narrow black stop border and then perhaps a wider border of something appropriate - definitely NOT piano keys for this one. Even long pairs of strips of black and white around the perimeter would work to "finish" the edges.

  4. Orca Bay leftovers are awesome together. Stunning. I think you need a border to hold all these goodies inside. Slab border with some green every now and again would look good ... I think. ;^)

  5. Ohh I'll be honest - I kinda like it as is!! it has lots of cool movement and colors!!

  6. Like this one..... Nice colour combination.....

  7. very nice....one of my favorite patterns of bonnie's....nice colors...how about small green/white pinwheels for a border?


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