Judy L's UFO Challenge

Saturday, August 28, 2021

August 2021 OMG

Looks like I got lazy on the blogging!  I’m trying to think if there’s a reason why but can’t come up with anything.  I happily worked on my goal for the month and just stopped once I had the rows together. A weird phenomenon happened.  Once I saw the rows up on the design wall I felt the impetus to keep going just fade away.  You see, I wondered what all this scrappy goodness would look like.  In a way I had accomplished my goal.

I have a few commission quilts and I wandered off into that camp and worked on those.  After all I do need to get them done.  I even planned to blog about one of them but that didn’t happen either.  But
then…Patty posted the wrap up post for the OMG.  I thought to myself,the end of the month?  Already?  

That post was just the nudge I needed to get back to my goal.  I pinned the rows together and got the top sewn together last night.  Then this morning I took it to church and pressed it on the big board.  I enlisted a quilt holder and snapped this pic.  No border and I have gotten rave reviews.  Happiness abounds!

Linking up with Patty at Elm Street Quilts Finish linkup.  Hope you met your goals this month too!  


  1. A perfect scrap quilt I love the overlapping effect. Very clever.

  2. Congrats on the finish. It's a pretty quilt.

  3. Looks good...... Sometimes we just get a block on a quilt then suddenly it's done......

  4. Lovely. You used a great bunch of bright scraps. Nice to finish it before the month ended.

  5. Good job getting those blocks put together. The top is beautiful!

  6. A great scrappy quilt! Good job!

  7. Lovely! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congratulations on your finish.

  8. Lovely to see you on zoom this morning. Your quilt is full of lovely scrappiness. Scraps go so far.

  9. It was fun to meet you on Chooky's Zoom.
    I love a good scrap quilt. This is delightful. Glad you got the nudge you needed to get it sewn together.

  10. I really like all that scrappy goodness together too! and I agree - No borders!!!


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