Judy L's UFO Challenge

Friday, September 10, 2021

Cross Stitching

I cross stitched starting way back in 1985 when I first moved to Texas.  I took on big projects because I didn’t know better.  I enjoyed it and bonded with my mother-in-law over the activity.  The supplies for different projects became her favorite gift to me on different occasions.  She passed suddenly in 1989.  I took over all of her unfinished projects and finished them.  Some of them led to me making accompanying pieces.  

I took solace in the work while I was bed ridden for the first trimester of my first pregnancy.  I had many completed pieces by the time I delivered my son.  Now with a child I did most of my stitching at lunchtime with coworkers. 

I had quite the collection of projects by now.  I had also found quilting.  I know I continued to stitch after my kids were born but it was less and less.  It’s not that I didn’t love it, it was just expensive with my family additions to worry about and a quilt, to me, was cheaper and easier to finish.

Fast forward to maybe 2014 and I see Jill at Darling Jill Quilts is cross stitching.  By now I have done a poor job of managing my diabetes and developed retinopathy.  As a result I had lots of laser surgery and was developing cataracts.  I was receiving other treatments but my eyesight was terrible.  In 2017 I had the cataracts removed.  I saw a cute little cross stitch kit at the thrift store and bought it.  I tried working on it but ended up with a knotted mess and set it aside.

When I had the cataract removal I moved to a new retinalogist.  He  gave me the same treatments as the previous doctor and got things better but then switched treatments.  About a year ago I started using a Dexcom glucose monitor.  My sugars have been the best ever since being diagnosed.  My eyesight is the best it’s ever been.

This year I saw Patty at Patty the Quilt Lady cross stitching and Judy at Patchworktimes cross stitching.  I bought another little kit in anticipation of trying my hand at cross stitching again.  Judy mentioned a light she tried and I ordered one.  It has 5 different strength lenses in it.  I’m using the 2.0 and have been able to accomplish a lot.  I’m still struggling with the best distance to hold my work but that’s trial and error.  I can only stitch an hour or so then have to take a break.

All the x’s were completed tonight.  Now I have to do the back stitching.  Dragonflies hold a special place for me so I’ll finish it in a way that I can keep it close at hand.  I need to find that other kit and go to work on it next!

Remember that an investment in your physical health is just as important as investing in your financial health.  It’s easier to keep your health than regain it!  Please take care of yourselves.


  1. YEA!!!!! for new docs that bring new treatments and improved health.

    Congrats on getting back into cross-stitch. Maybe one day I'll finish my cross-stitch UFOs???

    Happy Saturday :-)

  2. Thanks for the shout out! I'm glad you were able to get your eyesight back and I need to take heed of the lesson learned. I don't put myself first and I need to start. I have always had bad eyesight; I am nearsighted and got my first pair of glasses before I was 5. I really should have had them sooner, but I had adapted to not being able to see including listening for a car come down the street. My Mom always wondered why I was so clumsy and sat so close to the TV! With that being said, I stitch without my glasses and can see my stitching fine as long as I hold the piece around 4 inches from my nose. I don't like using magnifiers - they slow me down! I do wear MagEyes when I sew at the machine though. Your dragonfly piece is cute!

  3. glad you are able to improve your situation and continue your stitching....i've been doing some as well...

  4. I love the look of cross stitching but I'm not very good at it, combination of impatience, inability to count, and weak eyesight. Glad you are able to get back to it.


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