Judy L's UFO Challenge

Friday, February 18, 2022

I’m Still Here

Still sewing on the weekends with my friends.  Working crazy hours at work.  Getting ready for a vacation trip with my daughter.  Settling insurance on our truck fire.  Trying to find a replacement truck.  Overwhelmed with all the things I want to sew.  Busy but alive and well!

Here’s a Dr. Pepper milkshake kiss from Moo to you.

Hope all is well in your world.



  1. Happy to hear you're alive. Sorry to hear the events are piling up against you. Sending a rainbow of good energy to you. ;^)

  2. It's it hard to get replacement vehicles there like here. New vehicles have a long wait time.....

  3. Sounds like you need a vacation! I hope you can find a replacement truck/car.


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