Judy L's UFO Challenge

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Found Treasures. I have been working on decluttering and organizing my sewing room. Things are much improved but I still have a ways to go. When I was working in there this past weekend I unearthed what I thought to be a journal. It was kind of hard to grab but I finally decided to just get it up and off the floor. It wasn't a journal but a photo album of my first quilts and a quilt show I had attended.

This quilt is a queen size log cabin that I made for my mother. She washed it into tatters. I meant to look at it when I was up there this summer but forgot about it until the day before I was leaving. No time to deal with it. She is supposed to come down for a visit and I will ask her to bring the quilt to see if it is worth saving. This is from Eleanor Burns Quilt in a Day log cabin. If you remember a previous post I used 5/8" seams. Oops!

This quilt is a double size log cabin that I made for myself. I had it on a bed and a dog that I had at the time nibbled a hole in the border. I have the fabric scraps pulled and ready to repair it. I just need to do it. Darn that dog! This is very country. There are farm animals on the light side and the reds and blues have hearts on them. Another quilt that I used a 5/8" seam on. These are the only two....I swear it!

After these two quilts I took a class from a quilt store. I am trying to remember the name of it at this point. They closed the store and moved to PA. It was owned by Donna Poster. I think she is pretty well known in the quilting world. I took a class for Magnolia and Tumbling Blocks from her. She gave us the handouts for other strip quilts one of which was a Double Irish Chain. I have made a LOT of quilts from that pattern. She also allowed me to make the Peacock which is a model in one of her books. This pattern was only in the first edition of her book and not in the reprints.

As I unearth other photos I will share more pictures with you. Happy Quilting!


  1. A lecture by Margaret Miller in 1998 inspired me to start a quilt album. I take pics of everything I make, and stick them on pages behind year tabs. I write in notes about the quilt next to the pic, and also add any associated paperwork like patterns, thank you notes from recipients, show catalogues if entered, pics of me working on it etc. It makes a great keepsake especially with my failing memory, lol. Sharon

  2. I have the same quilt, that my sister and I made for my mom, in Navy and Burgandy. Mom passed away 9 years ago, so I now have it along with wonderful memories of how surprised she was, how she loved it and how it made a trip to Alaska, rather than going from Seattle to Ontario, California due to the suitcase being mis-routed.


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