Judy L's UFO Challenge

Saturday, September 29, 2007

More of My Quilts This quilt is the second pattern I tried. Donna Poster gave out this handout and I winged it. This is my all time favorite quilt. I just love the colors. I have been collecting reds and whites to make one for myself. This was a gift to my childhood friend for the birth of her first child. I told her I loved this quilt so much and how hard it was to let go. She said she would send it back. What a sweet gal!

This is the first quilt I made as a result of someone asking me to. I told them if they bought the materials I would do it. I was unsure of the colors and I think these were even poly blends (hmmm have to check those scraps!!). It taught me to be more specific when telling people what they needed to buy.

This quilt I made for a good friend that I worked with a lot. I was so happy to present it to her. When she opened it she said something to the effect that her son could use this as his "suck" blanket. I wasn't quite sure how to take that comment. As a result I am more particular about who I gift quilts to.

More pictures to come! Enjoy!!


  1. Your quilts are beautiful. I really love the red/white one. I need to declutter also....someday!

  2. All the memories! Thanks for sharing them, it's so interesting to see your quilting journey.

  3. Your quilts are great. I love seeing competed works and especially love seeing other quilters memory lanes, they are so inspiring. Thank you for sharing some of your memories with us.

  4. I always enjoy the stories that go along with the quilts. I agree with you on quilts as gifts.:)

  5. I love the red and white quilt...must make a 2 color quilt...soon!



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