Judy L's UFO Challenge

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Reflections on September I would swear to you that I did a lot of sewing in September but when I go back and look there wasn't so much accomplished.

  • FMQ practice swatches
  • FMQ baby panel (not bound but purpose to FMQ was met)
  • Add a border to Beth's RR
  • Finished a LOVE quilt and mailed it off
  • Knitted a chemo cap
  • Lot's of organizing!!!!!


  1. I think that is a very respectable list of things!

  2. You've done more than me in September, I made two 12" blocks .

    love and hugs xxx

  3. That sounds like a pretty good list of things accomplished. Organizing takes up LOTS of time and doesn't always show results right away. Ask me how I know that.

  4. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Well Swooze it is about the satisfaction that you attained while doing that sewing and organising.... I love reading your blog!! You are very inspiring to me. I am half way through quilting dhs quilt, and that is my sewing for September and August!!!

  5. I think you got alot done. At least you had the WANT-TO. That's half the battle.

  6. Having read all about DH and all that you are going through, this is amazing that you have accomplished this much. Having spent 7 years in similar situation with my DH, there were some days that just having food in the house, clean clothes going to work and kid off to school was a major accomplishment. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers...from Oregon Quilt


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