Judy L's UFO Challenge

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Winner Is!!!!!!!!!! Hefty quilter from Queensland, AU. I am going to spend the next few days pulling together a nice little prize for her and will post a pic before sending it off. Congrats Tracy!


  1. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Congratulations Hefty-quilter, I hope you enjoy your prize as much as I would!!!! Lucky you

    thanks so much swooze, i did get your phone message i was talking to a medical fund while my phone was going beep beep beep you have another call. I would have answered but i needed to sort this medical fund thing out.
    im so excited im bloody rambling now hehehehe.
    dont ask me what i would like lol i like everything!! and the disney princess and i say a very big thank you !!! and im so glad that our paths crossed, you are wonderful!!
    lots of love hefty.

  3. congratulations Hefty! and Swooze you are so brave to put your weight loss on your blog, I wouldn't dare. I weigh myself with a colleague at the office every Monday, and only us two know about it if we have fallen off the wagon...

  4. Totally not about your current post....I love your ticker on weight loss. I'm going to try to change mine! Keep up the good work! I have 15 more to go for my current goal. GO! GO! GO! We can do it!


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