Judy L's UFO Challenge

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

3 Bound

I have 3 of the 5 charity quilts done, minus the label. One more quilted waiting to be bound. One basted. I will then add the labels, snip threads, give them a good going over to make sure there aren't any loose threads or other issues, wash them, pack them and ship them. I haven't been this productive quilty wise in a long time,


  1. Girl, you have loads of energy...send some my way.....LOL

  2. WOW! You're on a roll! great job!

  3. thanks for the comment on my blog!
    Love the quilts you have been doing, expecially Freeze Frame quilt!
    I have 2 more triangle quilts sitting on my sewing table all pinned ready to quilt....since April!!
    I know..how sad!
    I ahve gone back to Unni this year and doing my masters in library and information services...a totally different career track, and boy am I pressed for time!!
    I am loving my course, but found it has taken a lot of me this year. I have cut backto only one subject per semester next year, and that should give me a bit of extra time!
    I have been knitting ,and have some projects to photograph and blog about....and hopefully once Xmas rush is done, I can get those quilts finished...and be inspired to do more!
    I haven't looked at a quilt blog for ages!!! sniff sniff!
    hope you are well!

  4. wow! you are one impressive quilter!!

  5. You have been busy!! Wonderful things you are doing, there...

  6. You're on a roll! Keep going!

  7. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Well I agree but I about the collection should have more info then it has.


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