Judy L's UFO Challenge

Monday, December 07, 2009

Design Pile Monday
I sewed and sewed all weekend. I started out with 2 unquilted tops for Quilts for Kids and finished last night with 4 quilted tops and 1 ready to be basted top. On the first four I still have to do a little work on the borders but I am quite proud of my accomplishment. Now to bind these babies!
Go checkout Judy L's blog to see what everyone else is doing for Design Wall Monday.


  1. Wow! Love your title...design pile! LOL

  2. Wow, aren't you the productive one this week! Great job!

  3. Your Freeze Frame (in the previous post) looks great! Love the black background in the center.

  4. what a lot of great work. atta girl!

  5. Hi thanks for stopping by my blog & saying hi.

    I've enjoyed reading - will be back!!!

    Love leanne


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