Judy L's UFO Challenge

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bloomers Topped

I bought this kit, actually two of them, last year in Louisiana. I took them to my mother's with the intention of sewing them both with her. Here is hers and mine is cut out. I just added the borders and pieced the backing. It is now waiting at the quilters.

I assumed it was a lap size and didn't really think much about it. But when I added the borders it came out to 68 x 90. I think that is a full! Now to work on mine.


  1. That is one awesome quilt...love the colors and design....

  2. It is so pretty. I especially love the flower borders.

  3. That is beautiful! I really like the flowered border.

  4. The flower border is so cool... adds something special to such a beautiful quilt!

  5. oh oh oh!!!! it's lovely!!!!!!

  6. very pretty, makes me think of Mexican colours.


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