Judy L's UFO Challenge

Monday, January 31, 2011

Other Crafting

One of my goals this year was to work on "other" crafts that I like to do. My friend Linda B was making this afghan and I just fell in love with it. It reminded me of a Mile a Minute afghan I had started but was not having much luck with. I was not getting my strips to come out to the same length even when all the row counts were a perfect match.

I ripped all those strips out and followed Linda's pattern. The result is below. I am working on the edging now and hope to finish it this week. This one is for ME!! Don't you love how the front and back have such a different look.

The front.

The back.


  1. It boggles my mind that so many knit and crochet! I can't, for the life of me, get an even stitch on either!!!! (to the consternation of my poor grandma, many years ago!) I really like this one!

    Where did you go to adjust the wording in your comment section?

  2. it's lovely!!!! I tried the mile a minute several years ago and had the same problem, all my rows did not end up the same length. probably operator error for me!
    hey, come for a visit, I'm having a give away!

  3. ....hmmmm....that place looks familiar....

  4. The afghan looks great.


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