Judy L's UFO Challenge

Friday, June 03, 2022

June OMG and Healing

I have another repair job to do!  This comes from a friend of ours who’s baby quilt had come undone.  I took the job on and have separated the top from the back.  There is no batting and it was done in QAYG style.  I’ll be replacing the missing squares and quilting it with its original back.  The binding was dry rotted and I will have to completely replace it.

My goal for this month is to complete the repair and bind it.

Thanks for all the well wishes for the recovery from my spill.  I was advised to wear my boot for two weeks.  Once I returned home I went straight to my podiatrist and he suggested I go three so I did.  Toward the end of the week I started practicing wearing shoes in the house.  I was shocked at how stiff my ankle was but I seem to be walking normally again.

Linking up with Patty at Elm Street Quilts for the June One Monthly Goal linkup.


  1. You are so kind to do repairs! Glad to hear you're walking again, even if with super caution!

  2. That's a big task. Good luck with the repairs. Happy to hear you're on your feet again, but do take it slow. ;^)

  3. Good of you to repair that well loved quilt.
    I hear you on the stiff ankle! Last year I got a stress fracture at my Mom's graveside service. I was in a boot for a month, and days after I got the boot off we went on a trip to Maine and Massachusetts to visit friends, and also seek out a bunch of cemeteries where I have ancestors buried. Two days before we flew home I turned my foot in a hole in the ground at a cemetery. The day after we returned I visited my podiatrist and was put back in the boot for three weeks with a sprain. Crazy that both foot injuries happened in cemeteries! The boot is no fun, is it?

  4. Glad to hear you are mobile again. Don't do it again!! You are becoming a quilt repair expert - a quilt whisperer!

  5. That is a massive task you have taken on repairing the quilt. You are an angel. Sorry I missed your post about your fall. Hope you recover quickly.


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