Judy L's UFO Challenge

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Well Hello!

Grace and Chooky said I needed to blog!  Well ok!

I was hired to make nine quilts by Christmas for a childhood friend.  Here is the first top.

I have the fabric for one other and possibly a third.  I was a little overwhelmed at the thought of 9 but 3 at a time isn’t so bad!

More soon!


  1. Nice fabrics in this top. Can’t wait to see it finished.

  2. 9 quilts by Xmas? How big will they be? So you have to get 2 to 3 made a month to meet that goal. There won't be much time for anything else! I know you can do it!

  3. OMG thats a big request........I like this one.........goodluck choosing another 8......did she care what you made? I am quite sure you will get them all done as your very productive........

    OH and I am thrilled that Grace and I had some combined power........can't wait to see what else you have been working on........

  4. Nine! Wow, yes three at a time is doable. Love the pretty yellows.

  5. Boy 9 quilts to make. Love the fabrics in the quilt. Glad you listened to us about blogging. :)


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